Monday, November 16, 2015

About me

Hello fellow beauty addicts! My name is Feliciana, I am a self-proclaimed beauty addict and I might have a slight (okay, HUGE) obsession with buying and trying the latest beauty products! Here, on my blog you will find my honest opinion on all things beauty. Also, I am working on bettering myself inside and out; I will be sharing fitness tips and some of my favorite recipes to make!

Here's a little more about me. I was born and raised in the great state of Texas. I now live in New Jersey with my mother. I was apart of the class of 2015 and I will be starting a nursing program in January

I have loved makeup and beauty products since I was a little girl. I can vividly remember watching my mother put on her makeup everyday and watching her skin care regimen just thinking to myself, " I cant wait till I can be just like her". When I was 7 or 8 I would try on my mothers moisturizers (without her knowing of course), I would always fall in love all over again with my face, I thought it couldn't get better. Boy was I wrong, once I was a little older I started to get a hang of how makeup worked and what went where so I started to use her lip gloss, mascara, well really anything I could get my hands on. That's when my love truly bloomed. During my first year of high school I really got into makeup, and started watching many Youtubers. I would watch tutorials for hours because I wanted my makeup to look just like theirs. Sophomore year, I was still learning and looking for new techniques. During my junior year, I skipped Homecoming and Prom because I was booked! On Homecoming night, I gave four of my friends makeovers. Seeing the reactions on my friends faces when they looked into the mirror made me beyond happy because I worked so hard perfecting my techniques. Senior year, was one of my greatest years in makeup. I was always getting calls and texts because girls needed their makeup done! 

Makeup and beauty is always something I have always been passionate about. I love helping women feel and look beautiful which is why I am starting this blog. I am so glad you're here to help me on this journey! 

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