Monday, November 30, 2015

Airspun Setting Powder review!

After a long (much needed) Thanksgiving break, I am back! I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving with their families.

Today, I will be reviewing Airspun Loose Face Powder. I heard about this product from the amazing Patrick Starrr, he raves about this product on his Youtube channel, I knew I had to find this product and try for myself. I had to go on an adventure to find this product. I wasn't able to find it at my local Walmart, Walgreen, or Target. My last stop was K-Mart, in the beauty section I finally found it. You may have this product at your local store, you just have to search for it.

I have a HUGE problem with creasing under my eyes so I wanted a powder that was going to take care of that and leave me with a flawless under eye concealer. Airspun did just that! This powder is awesome for only $5.99. Patrick uses this product to bake with, which is also what I wanted to use the powder for. (If you don't know what baking is, I will be doing a post about it soon) I use this powder with a makeup wedge and pack it on to my under eye concealer, or I will use a fluffy brush to put a little under my eyes for a less dramatic effect. Let me tell you, this product did not budge all day. I did not have under eye creases by the end of the night, my concealer was still bright and highlighted. It was lovely. The powder does have a powdery makeup scent, but once you apply it to your face the scent goes away. I have tried many drug store setting powder but none have impressed me as much as Airspun has. Other products would fade away throughout the day so I would be left with blotchy concealer! Not cute!

Thank you Patrick Starr for raving about this product! It's amazing especially for a drug store product. Stay tuned for an in-depth tutorial on how I use this product! I hope you enjoyed this quick review on this lovely product. Check it out, and tell me what you think! Please follow my blog for more Beauty Insider.

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